Need a voice over quickly?
I am an all-round voice-over and speak voice-overs for various productions from my studio every day. I have been in the business for over 40 years and that makes me a true professional. I do my voice-overs with great pleasure for your production and often deliver the audio within 24 hours. All-round, fast and reliable!
The voice-actor for every production
I am regularly asked to voice radio and TV commercials, tag-ons, billboards, pre-rolls, (video) advertisements, in-store commercials, voice-response systems, corporate videos, business presentations, e-learning and instructional videos. I am multi-deployable and my sound is often described as: fresh, enthusiastic, clear, warm, credible, reliable, persuasive and dynamic. I speak Standard Dutch (ABN), but can also speak various types or with a Brabant accent.
As a Dutch voice actor, I have voiced for brands such as Mentos, Wieckse, Dela, Pelikaan Reizen, Electro World, National Geographic, Daelmans, Napoleon and Ryan Air.
Why do you choose Paul as your voice-over?
I have over 40 years of experience, a professional studio, am all-round -and therefore available for any job-, flexible and use attractive rates. Still not completely convinced? I would be happy to record a custom demo for you, without any obligation of course.
High quality audio, professional and delivered quickly
Want to book a voice-over quickly? I often deliver within 24 hours and sometimes even within a few hours after approval of the quote. Contact me for more information.